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The Recent Calamity in the Philippines

The recent calamity in the Philippines
September /October 2009
During the last week of September the Philippines was hit by a worst typhoon named Ondoy which submerged 80 percent of Manila area in waters and overflooding the surrounding provinces. Not finished with the task of rescue and rehabilitation, the Philippines is hit by another typhoon called Pepeng. It is very sad to think that my country is always wracked by natural calamities.
At the same time Indonesia, Samoa and India do get their share, being also terribly hit by earthquake and tsunami, claiming the great loss of lives and properties. Good Lord, have mercy on us.

I hope I can have time during this  autumn holiday to paint the images of natural calamities and the call to united action

Love Meal at City Boat in Kolding

Come and share your solidarity with the Filipinos!

 Tomorrow, Friday, the 16th of October, we the Filipino group assisted by good Danish friends and others of other ethnic background will hold what we call, Love Meal, at the City Boat in Kolding. The City Boat is floating on the water canal in Kolding, facing the former Rasmus Gallery and other eating shops, pharmacy and near Fotex. There at 12 0`clock we share a simple meal with the passersby and appeal to their hearts to help the victims in the Philippines because of the onslaught of flood and typhoons, the worst calamity in many decades. In the boat we have a collection box where everyone can put in some amount they can give out of love. The collected amount will be sent to a local church in the Philippines who in turn do the actual work of helping the most needy. We will sing, dance and talk to the people. We give and share a bit of our culture and we appeal for help in helping our local people in the Philippines. 

Show up and join with us in this initiative of bringing into attention the onslaught of the Philippine calamities.

Love Meal at City Boat in Kolding

We made it last Friday, Love Meal at the City Boat.  It was a time of fellowship, time of sharing, time of meeting friends and strangers. It was a time of solidarity. Time of believing that God was able to help us. There were times I was called to cancel the arrangement because of the bad weather. I said we only needed to pray that the Lord would calm the tempest. It was cold and windy but rain stopped when we started at twelve in the morning  and it rained again when we stopped at six.

So the autumn holiday is over. Back to work tomorrow. I must adjust again to the new schedule of waking up at five in the morning.


Kamalesh`s Death

 Kamalesh Biswas,
our dear friend in the inter-cultural community 
 and the communities of faith. 
 our hard-working man on the work for integration
 a dear brother and pastor
   of the English International Congregation in Kolding
                in the night of Thursday, 
                the 5th of November 2009
               during his holiday in Portugal
                together with his wife Lily
                and friends, Laura and Jens. 

  I have written a Tribute to Kamalesh Biswas in English
  which can be found in my websibe, first page of my poems (1)   
 under the title,Tributes. 
   In silence let us continue to celebrate the life of Kamalesh.

Philippine Calamities

September /October 2009
During the last week of September the Philippines was hit by a worst typhoon named Ondoy which submerged 80 percent of Manila area in waters and overflooding the surrounding provinces. Not finished with the task of rescue and rehabilitation, the Philippines is hit by another typhoon called Pepeng. It is very sad to think that my country is always wracked by natural calamities.
At the same time Indonesia, Samoa and India do get their share, being also terribly hit by earthquake and tsunami, claiming the great loss of lives and properties. Good Lord, have mercy on us.

I hope I can have time during this  autumn holiday to paint the images of natural calamities and the call to united action

Funeral and Common Memories

The Funeral of Kamalesh Biswas 

The corpse of Kamalesh will arrive in Kolding on Thursday. His body has been withheld in Portugal since his death on the 5th of November for some meticulous investigations. The funeral service will be on Saturday, the 21st of November at 13.oo in Kristkirken. Come friends, old and new. Let us share our sorrow and common hope in the Lord. 
We have missed someone so dear who has understood us as people of different religions, cultures and backgrounds.

Christmas cards for sale

Two of my paintings entitled Peace and Courage To Move Forward are printed by Tværkulturelt Center in Copenhagen as Christmas post cards. In granting them the permission to use these paintings for mass print, I have received copies as a token of gratitude.

I am therefore selling these Christmas cards at  5 kroner each to support the flood victims in the Philippines. Our contact church that does the distribution of help to the flood and typhoon victims in the province of Pangasinan is The United Methodist Church through the pastor, The Rev. Abraham Casipit. The collection of money from the Love Meal arrangement at the City Boat in Kolding also is channeled through this church. 

Contact me if you are willing to buy Christmas post cards for this purpose.  Call 43 53 53 49.

Happy New Year!

Celebrate New Year 2010

New Year in our own linear time
New resolutions for our own life
New hope for our new world
New vision for our plan and work
New dream for lost job or wealth
New creativity as groups in solidarity
New life of service as community of faith
Renewed love and commitment to
all those we`ve shared our vows with
New heart and mind for the new year in our time
Let`s celebrate this newness in life!

Here are few lines I wrote as I was about to get up from bed after a long New Year`s Eve. This is to wish you all a Happy and Prosperous New Year. 

Love in Its Purity (written during Valentine`s Day)

Love in its Purity


Love is a language of the heart-

It is prose and poetry

It is in film or comedy

And yet nothing can fathom

its own depth, height or breadth.


Love is a dream in every heart

An object of conquest and war

It mirrors greed, pride and honour

And yet love’s own purity remains
above all intrigues and heroic motive.

Love is a gift from above -

an agape love from the heart of God

We humans can abuse it,

ignore it, trample on it, burn it

but love surfaces out so purely

in its inmost beauty to protect,

affirm, preserve and uphold life.

(EPO, written January 30, 2010)

Tribute to Mothers in the World


The homemakers that build up the house with
the robust hammers of joy, hope and faith,
The life givers that breast-milk the child
with the liquid of trust, patience and confidence,
The miracle magicians that turn the dark days
into colourful feasts of expectations and openness.

May 9, 2010

Happy Mothers'  Day!

Between Spain and Holland, A Match of Champions


Between Spain and Holland, A Match of Champions! (Final World Cup 2010)

It was a match of champions
between Spain and the Netherlands
90 minutes with extended three minutes
and they both could not score.
Another fifteen minutes were added
Plus one minute more
And they both could not score at all.

It was a match of champions
with free kicks, yellow cards, red card
Pushed, blocked, fallen, hurting
Replaced for little rest,
and they continued
to play as champions who could
hinder each one from making a goal.

The last extra time of no scoring
sent Iniesta to score one against zero
And Casillas’ tears fell to the ground
as he kneeled down.
They got the golden trophy
raised it up, paraded and kissed it
while Holland sulked in sorrow.
But the world knows that the play
was the match between two great champions

When a Child Is Lost

When A Child Is Lost

When a child is lost,
lost to unknown circumstances,
lost to suspicion of persons
with evil intentions,
then to the eyes of the parents
the lights of sun, moon and stars
have ceased to shine,
the blooming flowers in October
lose their fragrance,
and food doesn’t taste
in the tongue.

When a child is lost,
then parents who plea
for their child’s return
move us to tears
because children are not
goods to be stolen
but priceless treasure
to be cared for.

When the child is lost,
we share the universal pain
of losing our beloved.
Let us pray that the human goodness
in the heart of the person
who stole the child prevail
and that the lost child
be found.
Written at the news of the disappearance of the abducted 5 year-old April Jones in Wales. An appeal to prayers.
October 3, 2012

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Nyeste kommentarer

29.07 | 17:27

Want a ladyboy

20.09 | 11:16

I think I should also spend time writing poems in Danish. For quite a period of time, I have only concentrated on writing poems in English.

08.03 | 08:55

Kære Elizabeth - du rørte mig med din tekst om at overleve gennem kunsten. Jeg kender det selv som en delvis fremmed med udenlandsk opvækst. Vi ses i Simonpete

07.01 | 13:51

Fantastisk smuk hjemmeside.