Songs From the Heart with guitar chords. Some are with notes but need to be put some other time.
At være en fremmed elev, skrevet på min anden årgang på Zahles Seminarium
Here are some songs  composed and sung to some church and other social gatherings. I hope I can find time to write down the notes of the melodies. Otherwise, I sing these songs with guitar chords.

At være en fremmed elev
(To Be a Foreign Student)

Hvad er det at være en fremmed
 i et fremmed land
Hvad er det at lære et nyt sprog
fra a, b, c.
Hvad er det at miste en del af ens identitet
og at være en elev i evighed.

Det kræver tålmodighed
Det kræver al kærlighed
at komme på en skole
og at lære fra begyndelsen.

Hvad er det
at blive misforstået
intolerance, bliver latterliggjort
Hvad er det at kunne klare opgaverne
og sammen med andre kan grine og danse.

Det kræver tålmodighed
Det kræver al kærlighed
at komme på en skole
som en fremmed, som en fremmed elev.
Blomsterne på marken
Come and Sing and Dance
Come and Sing and Dance

Come and sing and dance
Come and sing and hop
Come, let us sing and dance
Come, let us celebrate.

We are one people, created by one God
Come, let us sing and dance.
Come let us celebrate.

We don`t have to hurt each other
We don`t have to kill each other.
We don`t need wars, bombs and missiles
We only need love in our hearts.

Come and sing and dance
Come and sing and hop
Come, let us sing and dance
Come, let us celebrate.

Come, brothers and sisters
Whatever and race and language
culture and religion, we are the same people
We are one people, created by one God
Come, let us sing and dance
Come, let us celebrate.

We can build our trust together
uphold and respect each other
We can build our trust to live as one people
with God`s love set in our hearts.

Come and sing and dance ..  (in the singing of the chorus the audience is asked to join....)

(skrevet efter dokumentar om Kosovo krises...)
Unity in diversity
A Lullaby (vuggevise)

A Song for Anna

This is our life, our little girl,
travelling here and travelling there
moving here and moving there
packing and unpacking.

La,la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la.

This our life, our little girl
The life of mission is a tent
Now we settle then dismantle
and move to other field

La. la, la, la, la, la. la.

(A lullaby written for my little girl, Anna, when she was two years old, her first time to come to Denmark during our furlough, where we were scheduled to go to many meetings in seven months to tell about our experience in the Hindu kingdom of Nepal. This song was written in the car and sang as lullaby for the little girl, Anna )

Pizana family in the Philippines
Give Me A Song
Give me a song for our life time

Give me a song for our life time
a song that can speak to our hearts
a song that can comfort and touch us
a song that makes us laugh.

Ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha.

Give me a tune that`s familiar
singing the story of life
of love, of joy, hope and sorrow
a song that makes us one.

Huh, huh, huh, huh, huh, huh, huh, huh, huh

A song for our time
A song for our life
Sing and sing without end
as long as life goes on.....

A choir in Germany, hailing Mother Elisabeth Becker on her 8oth birthday.
Be an Oak Tree not a bonsai
Take better care of yourself

Would you take better care of yourself
would you be kinder to yourself
Would you be more forgiving
to your human imperfections.
If you would realize your best friend is yourself.

That`s why I am the best friend to myself
And I bless all in me that God loves
And I break the filters that imprison me with fear
And I stand as an Oak Tree on God`s ground.

Would you take better care of yourself
Would you be kinder to yourself
Would be more forgiving
to your human imperfections
If you would realize your best friend is yourself.

Note. I attended a seminar at Oase on self-awareness. And the speaker talked about psychological understanding on one`s self which should not be strange from the biblical understanding. When I listened to her and her own experience how she struggled to get out of her shell, I recalled the song I heard many years ago from a film about a handicapped boy who became a friend to a rat. When the lecture continued, the melody kept on ringing to my ears, and I could recall the first five lines and could not remember more. When I returned to my family tent, I wrote down additional lines to include some of the thoughts that the lecturer talked about,sang the verses with the melody I remembered and gave the copy of this text to the lecturer. I should have wished to sing the song to the participants of that seminar. But time was short.

July 20, 2007
A Song for Teachers

My Teacher


Teacher, teacher, teacher teach me now

Teacher, teacher, teacher guide me now

Teacher, teacher, teacher show the way

You are my light

You are my guide.


Teacher, teacher, teacher comfort me

Give your listening ears when I cry

Help me find the strength in what I can

You are my help

You are my guide.


Teacher, teacher, teacher build me up

When I do wrong, show me what is right

Teacher, teacher, teacher let us laugh

You are my friend

You  are my guide.

Christian Integrity

Once in our lifetime we long for what is real
Often in our own time, we search for that which is fine
Looking into the skin of colours
Down deep the layers of covers,
we long to see the real man and woman.

Integrity, it`s the virtue we all long to see
The Christian faith, removed of masks
and all hipocrisy
It's going back to the roots of Christ's ministry.

Once in our lifetime we`re blinded by dazzling lights
Often in our own time, we think our way is right
giving no place to others
making ourselves the masters
keeping the Christ weak and still crucified.

Integrity, it's the language of our heart today.
The language of love, of joy and faith, service and unity
It's going back to the roots of Christ`s humanity.

Integrity, it's the language of our heart today--
the language of love, of joy and faith, service and unity
It's going back to the roots of Christ`s divinity.

Integrity. Integrity in our time.

(song composed for the conference theme of the Tværkulturelt Center, October 2005, EOP)
Of Saying Goodbye
A Song for Lide

When we say goodbye
to the one we love
to the one we care,
words are not easy to come along.
We can cry and we can hide
We can smile and we can laugh
But remains the fact
to say goodbye is not an easy task.

For deep in our hearts
there will always be
a longing to touch
a longing to hold
to talk face to face
within time and space
The longing creeps in
a form of dying.

When we say goodbye
to the one we love
to the one we care
days will soon turn into years
we lament and we regret
we rejoice and we relive
all the memories we have shared
with the one we love.

For deep in our hearts
there will always be
a longing to touch
a longing to hold
to talk face to face
within time and face.
The person we love
lives in our hearts.

(This song was sung for the Farewell Party of Lide, leader of the Focolare Movement in Denmark. Lide for having lead the ecumenical movement in Denmark,  will have move to Belgium and head the other Focolare ministry there. The Farewell Party to honor her and her years of rewarding service in Denmark was held at  Johannes Døberens Church,Copenhagen, the  12th of October 2008.
Lord, I Trust in You

Oh, Lord, I trust in you
when days are cold and dry
whenever doubt brings fear
and hope seems far behind.

You never leave me
Your Word has spoken
in Christ, the Saviour
your presence is eternal.

You never leave us
though earth will tremble
in joy and sorrow
you hold us by your hand.

O Lord, I trust in you
when rain gets into my eyes
when joy in heart is gone
to you I lift up my hand.

You never leave me
Your Word has spoken
in Christ, the Saviour
your presence is eternal.

You never leave us
though earth will tremble
in joy and sorrow
you hold us by your hand.

(written on the train station, while waiting for my bus to Christiansfeld)

Sonja Dygaard 07.11.2010 17:09

Tusind tak fordi jeg har mødt dig på denne dejlige konference i Århus.
Jeg er så glad for dit billede...jeg tænker meget på dig.
Gud velsigne dig, Sonja

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Nyeste kommentarer

29.07 | 17:27

Want a ladyboy

20.09 | 11:16

I think I should also spend time writing poems in Danish. For quite a period of time, I have only concentrated on writing poems in English.

08.03 | 08:55

Kære Elizabeth - du rørte mig med din tekst om at overleve gennem kunsten. Jeg kender det selv som en delvis fremmed med udenlandsk opvækst. Vi ses i Simonpete

07.01 | 13:51

Fantastisk smuk hjemmeside.