On Women, War, Responsibility and Solidarity
Women, Who Are You?
Women, women, women the architect of the future as you mold by your loving hands the fragile children of our time.
Women, women, women the cursed and battered part of God`s creation and yet have struggled to weave out your own liberation.
Women, women, women you, the architect of now and the future.
copyright Elizabeth Padillo Olesen written for the International Women`s Day 1991
Are you the Eve that tempts Adam or the snake that hisses around to spit its venom on its prey, the man?
Or are you the woman in the Garden of Eden born out of the womb of your mother, clothed in the wings of your freedom and passion?
Are you the woman proud of your culture and origin who cannot be damned to hell by the white man`s heaven of long-waged patriarchy?
(the illustration in collage is not yet put into the screen)
Women Who Bear the Pain Over Life That Is Wasted In War
Life is conceived in a womb protected in a seeming crystal bowl Blood, love and hope are mingled together to let this life behold the dawn.
But a sudden flash of light dropped out of arrogance and might transforms this valuable being into ashes of smoke, if not, into the crippled, the wounded invalids throughout their lives!
How the women groan! How the mothers die a thousand deaths when life that is nurtured from womb to the dawn of light is shattered in a wasteland!
(On Gulf War, 1991)
Copyright, Elizabeth Padillo Olesen
A Song for Iraq
Listen, people are crying Listen, bombs are raining Listen, missiles are pounding Fires are spreading Houses are burning People are running.
Listen, mothers are screaming Listen, children are dying Listen, soldiers are bleeding Death is growing Hate is rising Where are we heading?
Ho, ho, ho, ho, ho, Ho, ho, ho,ho, ho.
(written at the 9th day of bombing April 2002) (painting on this poem has to be put into into screen later, needs to be photographed first)
Why do we have to slaughter our love in the gallows of rudeness and indifference?
Why do we have to chop off our love with the sharp knives of hate, anger and fear?
Why do we have to come to these gallows and slaughter our love?
Why do we have to proclaim the death of our love?
Elizabeth Padillo Olesen illustration: olieskridt på papir
Violent Silence
We seal our mouths with herbs of bitterness and drown the words which communicate we let our cold silence creep in our midst and let the days nurture the hurts that have been long laid in the cupboards of our own memories.
copyright Elizabeth Padillo Olesen
Listen to the Whisper of your Soul
Listen to its call every morning as the dew blends with the leaves and wets the ground.
Listen to its call every noontime as the bright rays of the sun reflect the dusts that enter into your lungs.
Listen to its call every night time as darkness devours the day for silence and rest.
Listen to its call every dawntime as the wings of the cock flap to announce the dawn of the new day.
Listen to the small voice within you.
copyright Elizabeth Padillo Olesen
The Silent Week
Out of the noise of the outside world the tiring demands of paid work the monotone routines day in and day out Here we come again to this silent week when Jesus was hanged and crucified.
Here we retrace the story of his life and death Here we follow the steps out of his grave Why does he come to share with us our life and death? Why does he come to bring hope to our own deaths and hope beyond our graves?
copyright Elizabeth Padillo Olesen April 2001
Easter Morning
Come out of the grave You cannot lie in the grave forever in the grave of despair, hatred, fear, anger, cold and greed.
You cannot forever shut your eyes from the beauty of nature, the warmth of sunshine and the existence of your other fellow humans.
Dance in the morning Easter has come Jesus has vanquished death Problems we can overcome.
Celebrate the joy of Easter morning Experience Jesus walking with you in the narrow byways in life alive, talking, walking with you side by side in flesh and blood.
copyright, Elizabeth Padillo Olesen Easter in Denmark l997
The Miracle of Pain
The start of labour, a gasp of pain like a terror from nowhere then an interruption of relief the same cycle that goes on for hours or even for days.
Pain at every contraction of the mother`s womb airs out a groan, a biting of lips or a screaming for God`s rescue or mama`s help.
Then at the last push when the water bag is finally broken, and when the new life descends from the birth canal, when the baby is finally pulled out into the new world of life from the great womb of peace, giving out the innocent cries of fear, the woman, she, a mother, rejoices over the blessing of pain.
Pain with its beginning has its reason, end and fruit Pain is both a gift and a miracle to the human will.
copyright Elizabeth Padillo Olesen 1993, on giving birth to Philip, the fourth child in the family
Pagten/The Covenant
(30x40 cm)
Pagten/The Covenant
(30x40 cm)
A Mother
How can a mother forget her child, the child who is conceived nine months in the womb the child that is cradled at daytime, night time and the till dawn? How can a mother forget her child?
How can a mother forget her child the child who after the flow of months has learned to stand and run? How can a mother forget her child the child whose mouth imitates her mother`s tongue the child who after a year or two can say, "Mama, I love you"?
How can a mother forget her child the child who is so dear in her own dear heart and mind the child that reveals the mystery of creation the beauty of growth and human interaction. the infinity of our own universe within its finite linear time?
(copyright, Elizabeth Padillo Olesen written for Anna on her confirmation March 2002)
When exchanges of bullets fly over rooftops and human heads when the mouth of death roars like a lion day and night yes, day and night.
Then children, youth and adults must all leave their hiding place and ride on the waves that can bring them to the shores of safety and peace.
Kosovo, you are plundered and your children cannot understand why they have to pay the price for a home played by the hands of madness.
Refugee from Iraq
I see him as a young and lonely man He is a refugee from his own devastated land. Tired and confused, he comes often to this silent corner in town to watch people and cars passing by and to listen to the silent thoughts in his mind.
He turns around, sits down and focuses his black eyes into the open blue sky. And there comes rushing into his mind the painful memories of his past- the horrible experience of war that separates him from his own loved ones.
Yes, see this man, this refugee in Denmark He dreams of peace He dreams of friends He dreams of a job and a final return to his beloved land that is bleeding because of war.
Tsunami and the Angel of Death
You spread your wings and cover the earth with the claws of your fingers You touch the bottom of the Indian Ocean and unleash your fury to many lands.
The waters, the source of life, become the bosom of death The fishes miss their homes Children, men and women, tourists and local inhabitants lose their names and like garbage they are dumped into mud and mass graves.
Your strange visit at Christmas time sends a revolting shock that gives birth to unbearable anguish and pain änd those who remain cannot hide from the shadows of your wings.
And yet the waves of destruction you create resonate waves of compassion that enable each one to shed a tear and offer a helping hand.
copyright, Elizabeth Padillo Olesen written January 6, 2005, fews days after Tsunami
Once there lived a man, woman and child They tilled the land, cooked their food built their school and built their house. The birds and rivers sang as they danced and went to bed when the sun went down.
Once there lived a man with his gun He thought the land, the food, the school and the house of other man, woman and child could be his with his gun He could not sleep and so he started shooting at the birds, the rivers and the stars He dreamed that all the land and all in it could be his with his gun.
Then the man, the woman and the child in their own land, their house and their farm could not sleep on their bed, and could not listen anymore to the singing of the birds and rivers, for they had to leave, to leave in much hurry, that there was nothing at all they could carry.
They walked and walked through the miles without sandals on their feet, searched for food and rested on the shades of the trees Their hearts began to dance in great delight as they, from a distance, could see some signs of life, of crowded communities, whom they thought could have bid them in for food, water and bed. But all the while, they were called strangers and must stay out of the borders.
Until now the man, the woman, and the child keep on wandering from one land to another waiting to be invited to come in in a border when they can build their house, a school for their child where they can cook their food, dig a well and farm a piece of land.
Copyright, Elizabeth Padillo Olesen (published in the Journal for Asian Women, In God`s Image, Christian Conference of Asia, Malaysia and in the newspaper of Red Cross, Denmark)
You are a stranger to those who claim themselves the civilized nations. You are a riddle in the corners and caves of your proud hills and mountains.
You hide the wisdom and beauty of your women You children`s bones cannot grow centimeter long The cries of your infants linger even as they suck the breasts of their mothers.
Your home is plundered by many years of siege and conflict Your fields are made the playground of those who want to sow seeds of revenge and hatred.
And right after September in the month of October you are once more pillaged by the bombs of the Allied Forces.
And those who run away and those who stay behind and those who watch from afar cannot stop wailing over you- The fallen and bleeding Afghanistan.
Elizabeth Padillo Olesen October 2001
(the poem has a collage, that has to be put later.)
To the child who was lost and found dead
To Susan in Brøndby Strand
A child of ten summers an adolescent with freedom to move around you have Brøndby Strand as your home- the lucky recipient of your beauty, innocense and smiles.
And one Friday night you disappeared like a bubble in thin air. For seven days we have sought for you have waited and followed the news of your safe return. For seven days you`ve become the object of our worries, fears, theories and silent prayers.
Our hearts scream in protest when conceiving a glimpse of a frightening ordeal you must have gone through as a young child with our helplessness to deliver you saved only by the hope that goodness should triumph over evil.
But on Friday, the seventh night after you disappeared, you are found dead in a locked basement n Tranumparken, wrapped in paper boxes lifeless-- your body, rotting, desecrated, reduced into a mere garbage.
Susan, we cry for you we cry with your family and loved ones.
Brøndby Strand, your home, has ceased to be your home and has ceased to be our home as long as the offender runs free. And as long as the offender runs free, Brøndby Strand will ever be blanketed by darkness, horror and uncertainty.
Forgive us for our inability to help you Forgive us for our slowness to action Forgive us for having ceased to live as a community but as detached individuals imprisoned by concrete walls.
Thank you for your life that forever reminds us of the fragility and beauty of child`s life. And let our aborted love for you shine in our hearts and minds to wage a battle against abuses done to little children like you.
Elizabeth Padillo Olesen (written with tears after having known that the dead corpse of Susan was found. Susan was our neighbor in Brøndby Strand)
To Susan in Brøndby Strand
(poem illustrated with collage)
To Susan in Brøndby Strand
(poem illustrated with collage)
A Tribute to the Three Filipino Workers Beheaded in Saudi Arabia
(Floyd Salabao, Rogelio de Leon and Franklin Alina beheaded Friday, January 20, 1996, hung for public display from noon til 4.30 pm)
Now it comes again Your precious blood flows out of you that fateful Friday noon. Once again the blood cries out and torments our own soul.
The story of your crime is heard only from your accusers after your arrest in October. Your own story is a complete prison- an oblivion in the dark cell, sealed and locked by your inability to speak the Arabic language of the authorities.
Now it comes again Your precious blood freely flowing tormenting every conscience to know the truth, to unlock the seal of your oblivion.
What could have happened Your family and kin inquired The human rights group based in London also raised the same question.
But no, there is no time, no time for you to tell your own story. No, the time of your life is locked up in your cell of oblivion.
But your blood that drips from where you are hanged today flows to the ground consumed by the sand which yet leaves cries that echo to our land and torment our soul and conscience.
copyright, Elizabeth Padillo Olesen
(the poem has collage, which will be put in here...)
A Whisper To Despair
Don`t stifle your creativity by anyone`s indifferent coldness Let nothing extinquish your spirit that which values you as a person which surrounds you with love that which comes from God.
Channel your creative energy into something productive. You are not called to die but called to live-- to affirm and uphold life.
Be strong in the Lord.
Remembering Princess Diana after her accident
In Every Woman, A Diana
In every woman is a river of love that flows to all lands that feels, that comforts and understands.
In every woman is a sea of pain when rejected, when unwanted by those whom she commits to live with.
In every woman is a dark cloud of uncertainty of one`s own identity projected in both the negative and the positive ways.
(there is a collage to this text, which will be put in soon)
Eye for an Eye for Ameneh in Iran
Drops, drops of acid
Smeared through the eyes of a woman
Making all her days as nights
And all her nights the echoes
Of her dreams and screams.
Drops, drops of acid
Splashed into the eyes of a woman
Coming from the hand of a man
Wanting dominion over the woman.
Ejecting the poison of arrogance.
Drops, drops of acid
Searing the eyes and face of a woman
Coming from the hands of man
A mighty weapon of total cowardice
Used as revenge for offered love unrequited.
The eyes of Ameneh are gone
Her days remain as nights
And her nights the echoes
Of her dreams and screams
But her heart is never blind
To live and to seek for justice.
But is eye for an eye a form for justice on earth?
19. February 2009
Women in Beijing in one September
Women by the thousands come marching by to mark history among nations.
Never again should women be sold, battered and raped.
Never again should girl fetuses in the mother`s womb be doomed to death.
Never again should the women`s spirit be extinquished.
Can a gathering of women among nations make up a change?
The marching of women prompts attention - a human bomb to announce that women`s issues are crucial to our world`s survival.
Elizabeth Padillo Olesen
World Conference on Women, China,1995
Bride Burning... Women Burning
Forests are denuded trees grown for years are cut off by hours then we get flooded.
Lost, the green of life the Paradise of Eden the haven of birds the tryst of love and the searching soul.
Murdered, our new creation of a thousand years of hope, a new sanctuary - a home. Like this forest, soon we*ve willed it eroded.
I wonder why both of us agreed to cut trees and let flood exist in our midst.
Elizabeth Padillo Olesen copyright, 2002
Woes in Nigeria
One, two, three then to hundreds and thousands massacred in their homes in their farms and on the roads. Houses are burned, the victims mourn and the offenders giggle.
Houses are emptied farms stand erect; stores and airports, closed while survivors run from fear and pregnant with hate.
The offenders are young boys trained to play the toys to shoot and kill their enemies- their own people.
There is no end of hate while the offenders celebrate over the dead, trample the ground smashed with blood and raise their fists with their high powered guns.
The rule of love and law is trampled and smashed when guns are played as toys by young hands.
Elizabeth Padillo Olesen copyright
The Year 2000
The year 2000 The year of prophecies from the scriptures the year of jubilation over man-made inventions the year of expectation for man`s unknown future.
Where are we heading, we ask.
Others talk of the last doom, the judgment as they prepare their own voyage though self-destruction.
While others welcome the year 2000 As another common year within the linear time, the year of constant waiting for God`s revelation in His own time.
Elizabeth Padillo Olesen
The Eye
The eye is the window where wind passes through to delight the heart and the mind.
The eye is a traffic light that welcomes passersby and regulates their flow either by a gaze so rude or a wink that puts up a gate for friends to pass through.
EPO, 1996
To the Fallen Victims at Omagh (Ireland)
To the Fallen Victims at Omagh
One more bomb planted in the heart of town ate you up in flames as children, women and men.
One more bomb dislodged from fists plastered by hate shuts up the door of freedöm long time been waged.
One more bomb planted in the heart of town builds up the artillery for more death and vengeance.
But the fallen victims of Omagh cannot rest in peace if their deaths should remain meaningless for the march for peace.
E, P. Olesen
To My Beloved Husband on the Holy Week
Loving you as if today is my last day
I want to love you as if today is my last day to love you.
I want to say the nice things about you as if today is my last day to say them out loud to you.
I want to care for our kids as if today is my last day to watch them grow.
Give me the chance to love you today Give me the chance to open up the goodness of my heart before you.
Give me the chance during this, my last day, to feel the beauty of being a mother to our kids and a wife to you.
Let me love you today as if today is my last day.
E. P. Olesen, April 2001
At the beach in Vorupør
The evening dusk begins to fall as they who play and walk along the beach head their way home.
I, on the silent corner of this white beach, feel the stillness, the beauty in silence, the awesomeness of creation as the night begins to fall.
As the wings of the clouds move to where the winds blow, the red sun hides her face in the bosom of the clouds And yet is still able to show the red lights that shine over this beach that is about to sleep.
How awesome it is to behold the stillness of your presence, O Lord, How marvellous are your hands that create the beauty of nature which we can turn to from busy life.
At this summer time in Vorupør beneath the sky and on this beach where I lie, I thank you and celebrate your creation and your presence eternal. E. P. Olesen July 18, 2000)
A Good Life ( The theme of the last intercultural conference in Århus in November 2008)
A Good Life
A good life is a song with melodies of joy sung by laughters and smiles.
A good life is a cup of tears when days are painted by all sorrow and pain.
A good life is community when one ceases to be alone in the sea of love and compassion.
A good life is courage when the heart of faith announces the dawning of the new day.
A good life is knowing the Shepherd who walks with us even in the valley of death and brings us to the mountain of safety.
Elizabeth Padillo Olesen written and read during the culminating program of the conference. November 9, 2008
Beauty and Evil Design in Mumbai, India
November 27, 2008
Behind the beauty of Taj Mahal
lurks there the tentacles of Evil Design
tentacles to strangle tourists and civilians
who have come to enjoy and behold
the beauty and mystery of Taj Mahal.
Distributed in the hotels of Taj Mahal and Oberoi
and in the Jewish Center in town, their rest
are aborted by the sudden intrusion
of the Evil Design who brings along with them
grenades and weapons of hate and poison.
Now the victims, the lovers of beauty,
are dead, fallen and wounded
fallen and wounded by the hundreds
leaving great sorrow to their loved ones.
leaving fear among those who watch from afar.
And yet the beauty of Taj Mahal will
soar up majestically because the difference
between Beauty and Evil Design are now
lodged in the human memory: that Beauty
will forever showcase the window to peace and that the Evil Design is forever ugly.
Pastoring a Church
Pastoring a church is sheepherding a flock like a shepherd looking for a lost lamb among the flock of 100.
Pastoring a church is rescuing the flock from devouring wolves from the cares that exhaust faith from despair that brings no hope.
Pastoring a church is living in servanthood wearing the cloak of Jesus of loving, serving, laughing, rebuking and giving one`s life.
EPO 1997, Denmark
Pinse 2008
akryl på lærred
Pinse 2008
akryl på lærred
Poem written in home island
Thoughts on Hingotanan An Island Not on the Map
I waited for you with the ebbing of tide the rising of sun and moon the setting of the sun and moon.
I sat on rocks, painted colours in my mind sang with the waves sang with the waves
Till the playful touch of the water on my face brought me to the Silence of your presence eternal.
Elizabeth P. Olesen written on the Hingotanan beach
The Covenant/ Pagten
30x30 cm
akryl på lærred
The Covenant/ Pagten
30x30 cm
akryl på lærred
The heart of a woman is a well From it one can draw water to quench one`s thirst From it plants and grasses are reborn to life after constant care and nurture.
The heart of a woman is a well from it oozes and sprinkles the warm drops of love flowing on the open ground to save life from thirst and death.
November 21, 2011 the 5th of November, 2009)
Sign of Reconciliation
acryl on canvass
Sign of Reconciliation
acryl on canvass
Apartheid was a seed of discord, a poison injected into human mind to segregate peoples of races and colors.
Apartheid bloomed and richly existed in societal and political institutions guarded by the power of weapons.
But God’s grace of love for all cleansed the poison, broke the chains that apartheid guarded for generations.
Nelson Mandela, Bishop Desmond Tutu, and many more unsung South African heroes brought in the seeds of reconciliation.
Even in deep deep cold darkness God’s light of grace breaks through.
__________________ November 15, 2011
The Burning Bush
50x50 cm
acryl på lærred
The Burning Bush
50x50 cm
acryl på lærred