Forfatterskab/Authorship of Elizabeth
Mga Awit sa Pagtoo og Pagsaulog Song of Faith and Celebration ( Songs for the use of ecumenical churches, both in English and Cebuano languages)

A. Published books and materials:  

  1. First book of poems

      "A Pulse for my Country People: Poems and Reflections on thePhilippine Situationt", CSG Printers,Cebu City, Philippines. 1995

   2. Book of Poems in Cebuano language
, "Panaw Ngadto sa Kasingkasing", CGS, Cebu CIty, Philippines, 1994. 
    3.Mugbong Sugilanon sa Matuod nga Hitabo sa Kangitngit og Kahayag, Central Visayas Ecumenical Fellowship, Cebu City, Philippines, 1995, short stories written after interviews with people, representing different church denominations in Cebuano language.

    4. "Primer on Ecology",translated from English to  Cebuano language
   for the National Council of Churches in the Philippines,

    5. Songs of Faith and Common Celebrations, song book for the use of churches in ecumenism  Central Visayas Ecumenical Fellowship, CENDET, Cebu City, Philippines, l995  (songs both in English and in Cebuano, for ecumenical use ) 

    6. A Guide for Pregnant Women,for women in  Philippine villages in  Cebuano language, "Giya sa Nagmabdos nga mga Inahan", CGS Cebu City, 1997.

    7.  Mga Dula sa Pasko (Christmas plays/dramas in Cebuano language for rural churches) Rural Publication Center, Silliman University, Dumaguete City, ed. Dr. Elena Maquiso, 1979.

    8. Spirituality for Peace and Justice, Author House, UK, 2014 

B. Published materials in journals and newspapers

  1. The Burning of the Seaweeds Barn (an Easter play ) published in Praxis, journal for Christian World Student Federation, Hongkong,1979.
   2. Poems on women, published in Asian Journal, In God`s Image, Center for Culture and Theology, Malaysia

    3. Poems and articles on integration, Nytpå tværs, Tværkulturelt Center, DK

    4. Comments on issues and  articles, Udfordringen, Ugens avis, DK

    5. Kosovo, To the Massacred Children from Oklahoma to Scotland, Travel,Woman (poems)  International Library of Poetry, USA

     6 Poem, Refugees, Danish Red Cross Newspaper, DK

      7. Thoughts on Hingotanan Island, an Island not on the Map (poem and other poems) Sands and Corals, literary journal, Silliman University, Dumaguete City, Philippines

       8.Article on Worship experience at San Antonio World Mission and Evangelism Conference, 1991,  International Review for Mission, World Council of Churches, Geneva.

         9. "If you should assassinate again, can`t ourExodus be far behind?"UCCP Human Rights Advocate.

        10. On Giving Birth to Life,The Miracle of Pain, (two poems), BAKUD, Women`s Resource Center, Cebu City, Philippines.''

         11. Lamentation over Philippine Election,
Areopagus Magazine, ed. John Lemond, Hongkong.

         12. Heaven and Hell , The Missing Link,
On the Move, Uniting Church of Australia.

         13. Spirituality for Combat,CCA News, Christian Conference of Asia, Hongkong.

         14. Of Rice Grains and Thieves,Freeman Newspaper, Cebu City, Philippines.

C. Writing Contests:

1.Arinday Poetry Contest, Silliman University, Dumaguete City, Philippines
    entry. To Arthur, A Dream, second prize.
              To My Father,  second prize

2. International Poetry Contest, www., and won a camera.

3. Essay Writing Contest, Christianity in Asia, spearheaded by Japan National Council of Churches.
    entry: Christianity in Asia, among the three winning entries.

4. Essay Writing Contest, Bonifacio and the Philippine Revolution,
   Silliman University, Dumaguete City, Philippines
   entry on the given theme: first prize

D. Standing manuscripts, written in a period of ten years in Denmark, waiting for a publisher.

Island of Child`s Fear, Shame and Faith,
a novel of child`s nurture in the context of poverty and taboos in the  Philippine culture, reflecting the hope in the Christian faith as lived and shared by parents. (32 chapters) 

2. Cinderella of God' s Grace, a novel which is an autobiography as one diagnosed as cancer patient, going through marriage, birthing, and encountering possibilities of study and experience  in the wider ecumenical fellowships,and the struggle for integration  in Denmark as a foreigner with  the eyes of faith.

3.Nona, An Angel in the Island of Bethel, a novellete on the experience of Good Samaritans in the context of poverty, interpreting the experience as  God`s hand of grace.   

4. A Plea for Love and Compassion in the midst of Fear, Hatred andWar, a collection of poems written and inspired by the local and international events and personal experiences and reflections.

5. True Stories on Women in  Asian Patriarchal Societies
(Nepal and the Philippines) in short stories and dialogue form.

6. Compassion for Mother Earth, six short stories on ecology with guide questions, reflecting environmental issues for common discussion, materials meant for school children and their parents; with a Danish version as translated from English by Holger Madsen.  

7. The Dormant Christ in Everyone in 20 chapters,the wrting of the book started during the study program in Lebanon, 2018. 

8. Saga of Freedom in a Strange Land (third book of poems in English) 

Note: If there is enough space, I would like to put into this website the contents of these write-ups. But space can be a problem... I need help to find the right publisher in this country... Is there somebody there who can be of help?.... I think I have a message to tell...Please contact me....through my guest book og e-mail 

A book of short stories in Cebuano language
Det er en bog af noveller/fortællinger om den kristne tro, skrevet på mit modersmål, Cebuano, skrevet for at inspirere i læsernes rejse i troen. 

A book of poems in Cebuano language, published in the Philippines
Her en bog af digte, skrevet originalt på Cebuano sprog med  egne tegninger som illustrationer. Digtene handler om livet på øen og om det filippinske folks kæmp  at overleve. 

newly published book, Oct. 2014
Spirituality for Peace and Justice, book of poems on Christian spirituality,
by Elizabeth Padillo Olesen, 134 pages with photos of her own paintings to illustrate;  published by Author House. ISBN:978-1-4969-8831-7 (sc) 
                                        ISBN: 978-1-4969-8832-4 (e) 

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Nyeste kommentarer

29.07 | 17:27

Want a ladyboy

20.09 | 11:16

I think I should also spend time writing poems in Danish. For quite a period of time, I have only concentrated on writing poems in English.

08.03 | 08:55

Kære Elizabeth - du rørte mig med din tekst om at overleve gennem kunsten. Jeg kender det selv som en delvis fremmed med udenlandsk opvækst. Vi ses i Simonpete

07.01 | 13:51

Fantastisk smuk hjemmeside.