Updates/Nyhedsbrev 4
Greetings for the months of August and September
Dear friends,

It is time to give you updates on the following:
         school work
                    art workshop

Ah, let me write details any day this week For now I am just very tired and feel dizzy. I cannot continue to write. Let me reserve this space to write you again.

Have a good week-end and enjoy the harvest feast this Sunday.
I remember how this Sunday is celebrated in a little village in Pilar, Bohol, where small children carry fruits from the farms to the church altar: a basket  or baskets of eggs, stalks of rice and corn, fruits like bananas, pineapples and papayas, chickens tied on the legs, first born calves, sacks of rice... The altar becomes a great sight of God`s abundant blessings...This is something I miss here in Denmark.

Oh, yes, the art workshop. September 22-23--art workshop at Menighedshus, where we have invited Helle Noer to teach new techniques in painting. I did brainstorming on the theme, Peace and Reconciliation. Helle Noer introduced herself. She is a very good and creative artist who experiments a lot in her work and is able to share these creations and innovations to her students. There were 10 participants who attended on Saturday. We expect more to come tomorrow.

Yes, right now I have an exhibition at Sognehuset of the Gammel Haderslev Kirke-- 38 paintings. Exhibition continues up to the end of October. The church council held a launching of my paintings and opened it to the public. I sang few songs with my guitar and explained my art. One family bought one piece of my painting after the "fernisering".

Got an invitation to speak to the Tværkulturelt Center`s Inspiration Conference in Copenhagen in November this year.  I will share on the subject "friendship with those of different cultures" and a group seminar on " art and painting as a vehicle for bridging bridges."

And my work at school gets the bigger share of my time. I commute to school at 6:55, making me wake up at five in the morning everyday and coming home at 17.30. It is always a long day. On top of this, I am taking courses on Christianity and piano which run up to the month of December.
So time for the family is during dinner time and week-ends. I will write details on this.

Now I cannot continue when my head is very painful now. Take care and God bless you.



October 2, 2007

What a letter that starts complaining because of headache and dizziness. I am sorry. I think I am just a spontaneous  person who writes what I feel and what I think at the moment.

I was indeed in bad shape last week-end, but managed to forget that I was sick. I could lie down on bed for a number of hours and had to rise up again to take up the daily duties in the house and the duties related to my work. I made it. My colds disappeared after taking many cups of tea. 

It was great having our great friends from Germany, Erna and Hans, during this week-end.  They came to say hello but also came to deliver the remaining paintings I had exhibited in Germany. They came by on the way to their trip to an island near Denmark--an island called Amrum--for their holiday. It was not easy saying goodbye to these people who mean so much for us, and who have given much of what they are in a period of more than twenty years. 

will continue....



 The text, sent to the local newspaper, giving information about the workshop.


MALEKURSUS 22. og 23. sept. 2007


Underviser: Helle Noer, Esbjerg, inspirerer os med forskellige teknikker

Pris: 75 kr. for begge dage

Tag selv maling og lærred med

Tilmelding til Elizabeth Olesen -  bethpadillo@ofir.dk, /43 53 53 49

eller Birthe Engedal 40818128

Afholdes i Menighedshuset, Haderslevvej 25, Christiansfeld

Lørdag og søndag kl. 13-17.00





Invitation til en kunst-weekend om fred og forsoning


Der afholdes kunst weekend i Christiansfeld. Det er et kursus, som er åben for kunstnere – både øvede og begyndere. En meget dygtig underviser, Helle Noer fra Esbjerg, som er kendt for at have holdt kurser mange steder i Danmark, kommer og giver mere inspiration til nye teknikker og kunstgenrer.

Dagen begynder med en fælles samtale om nutidens begivenheder - lokale og internationale - som har skabt angst og bekymring i vores tilværelse. Derefter udfordres til et individuelt forsøg på at skabe billeder om vores fælles ønske om fred og forsoning. Der er et ønske om, at produkterne kan blive udstillet på et offentligt sted, hvor besøgende får mulighed for at reflektere over emnet ved hjælp af billederne, som deltagerne i  kunst-weekenden kan skabe.

Kom til en eller to hyggelige eftermiddage den 22.-23. september i Menighedshuset, Haderlevvej 25, Christiansfeld, kl. 13.00 - 17.00. Det koster 75 kroner, som dækker nogle udgifter. Allesammen har kunst i hjertet, som kan afspejles gennem farver, linjer, former og billeder, - tegn på livets skønhed. Det er ikke et spørgsmål, om man kan kunst, men om man kan værdsætte, hvad der er skønt. Alle kan lære i fællesskab. Kom og vær med!




| Svar

Nyeste kommentarer

29.07 | 17:27

Want a ladyboy

20.09 | 11:16

I think I should also spend time writing poems in Danish. For quite a period of time, I have only concentrated on writing poems in English.

08.03 | 08:55

Kære Elizabeth - du rørte mig med din tekst om at overleve gennem kunsten. Jeg kender det selv som en delvis fremmed med udenlandsk opvækst. Vi ses i Simonpete

07.01 | 13:51

Fantastisk smuk hjemmeside.