Kunst: Liv og Tro (Art: Life and Faith)
When the Trumpets Sound akryl på lærred 90x110 cm
Introduktion og intention


Hi, my name is  Elizabeth Soriso Padillo Olesen , originally from the Philippines and have lived in Denmark for many years. I am also a  Danish citizen. Here is my website which windows the language of my heart through my poems, paintings and some articles on some issues.  

Drop by and send me a note if you find something valuable here 😘 😀 😮 🤒 😲

  Drink from the River of Silence

Visit this river, this silent river of life.
See its secrets hidden in the deepest bottom
Measure its height, its width and breadth 
And know that you are before a river of silence
So deep, so wide, so high - beyond measure,
A river of silence it is within the bells of time
Even as it empties itself to a far-flung ocean. 

Drink from this river the water of life
Refresh your thirst for love, hope and faith
Wash your hands from the blood of violence
Fill your tongue by the honey from this water
Transforming fiery words to soothing words
Of comfort; bathe yourself, put on new clothes!
And only then, you can sing your song of joy. 

In response to the 29th title challenge of Hina.
poem of Elizabeth Padillo Olesen, also can be read from www. voicesnet.com and  from www.poemhunter.com 



Come and come beside us

Dwell and dwell with us

Fill and fill our longings

That by your presence

We find  peace and rest.


Come and come to our troubles

Dwell and dwell in our hearts

Fill and fill our mind with your goodness

That we may only strive to seek your face.

Come and lead us through the Shining Star.


Poem of Elizabeth P. Olesen 



                    Tuloy po kayo!


Hej, her kan du se en del af mit univers om, hvordan et begrænset dansk sprog har presset mig til at udtrykke mig selv gennem billeder og farver. Her kan du se, hvordan jeg har prøvet at forholde mig til verdens begivenheder og relatere mine refleksioner og overvejelser til min kristne tro.
Her er vinduet til mit hjerte som en fremmed i det danske samfund. Her er min måde at overleve med værdighed og glæde. Jeg er meget glad for at denne hjemmeside kan bruges til et forum om, hvordan vi forstår livet og vores fælles ansvar for livet, for vores medmennesker og for vores fælles jord.


Hi, let me write some lines here for the sake of those who cannot understand Danish. This website is my  new attempt to share to the open world what I have done with my hands. Painting is a new interest that has caught my attention only during my time here  in Denmark. I think it is because I felt so frustrated with the difficulty of the Danish language, that I had to find another way of communicating in order to express myself. Painting, I should say, has been my catharsis.  I am really glad that through it, I am  able to express my thoughts and reflections on situations and events affecting us all, and relate these to my Christian faith. (In 2017 I  was granted Danish citizenship, a joyful event in my life.)

This website contains also some of my poems in both Danish and English, some songs that I wrote and have sung to some gatherings and occasions in churches and certain organizations. Here are photos  of my family and friends, reporting on some seminars/summercamps and newsletters, presentation about my home country, and a write-up on  my way of looking at the cultural differences between Philippines and Denmark.Here I also write the projects in my home island which my family and I are involved in. Sale of my paintings goes to the support of these projects. 

 I invite you to take time to see and read and if there is something you think is interesting, I hope you can drop a word in my guestbook or send me an  e-mail. I am also open to invitations to sing, exhibit paintings or speak on certain issues that concern the church, integration and reconciliation. Contact me if you think there is a painting you wish to buy.

tel. 30 45 04 14

To create something gives joy...

Kunst som et samlings punkt!

Men kunst er ikke kun hvad man kan se med øjnene, men også med hvad man kan høre i ørerne og hvad man føler i  hjertet. 
Art is not only what one is able to see with one's eyes but also what one is able to hear and feel in the heart. 🤒

I denne hjemmeside har du mulighed for at se  følgende
On this website you have the chance to see the following:  
😮malerier og collager/paintings and collages in 9 galleries

   🤩 digte og sange /poems and songs 
      😘 drama og reportage/drama and reports 
         🤔kultur forskel mellem Danmark  og Filippinerne
              cultural differences between Denmark and Phil. 

             🤒familie og  nyhedsbreve
                        family and newsletters 
                   🙃 fotos og meget mere   
                          photos and more 

Kunst er noget som gør, at den der kigger på den, kan identificere sig selv med. Jeg håber at mine billeder, digte og sange kan bringe os til fælles anerkendelse af livets skønhed og værdi.

Art is something that enables the beholder to identify himself with what is seen or experienced. I hope that my paintings, poems and songs can bring us to a common recognition of life`s beauty and value.

Når vi mødes for at se, fortolke, forstå, og føle

Udstillinger/Exhibitions of paintings :

Brøndby Strand     Kultur Week-end                              Juni   
Christiansfeld        Bibliotek                                         February-marts

Herlev                   Sognehuset                                    October-November
Ryesgade               Fredens Kirke 
             Tværkulturelt Center  Konference                   November
Kingos Kirke                                                               December-January

Kolding  Bibliotek   GalleriKolding                                  August-september
Christiansfeld         Menighedshuset                               October-december
Århus                    Tværkulturelt Center                        November
Horsens                 Sognehuset                                       December 

Kolding               DanskeBank                                        Januar - marts
Fredericia           Skt.Michaels  Sognehuset                     Februar-marts
København         Tværkulturelt Centers Konference        Marts
Haderslev            Sprogskole                                          April    
Herning (Messe Center) IMs Årsmøde                              Juni
Germany             Bierstadsts Jubileum                          Juni-juli
Haderslev            Sognehuset                                        September-okt.
København          TCs  Konference                                 November

Kolding           Brandkjærkirken                                     Januar-februar
Kolding           KUC (Kolding Uddannelses Center)             Januar-februar
Christiansfeld Bibliotek                                                 Marts
Kolding            Simon Peters Kirke                                 Marts- maj 
Christiansfeld   Danske Bank                                          Juni -juli
Odense           Munkebjerg Kirke                                   Okt 12-Dec. 12
Christiansfeld   Christiansfeld Bibliotek                           Oktober-November
Århus             Tværkulturelt Center  (3 mødesteder)       November (week-end)
                         -Gellerup Kirke
                         - Helligånd Kirke
                          -Indre Missions Stjernehus


Århus             Christians Kirke                                         January- Marts
Odense           Hjalasse    Kirke                                       January-Feb. 17
København       Fredens Kirke                                          March 13-14
Christiansfeld   Gudruns rundfest                                     March
Kolding            Elisa`s graduation                                    March 27
København       Kafe /Nazaret Kirke                                 March-April
Christiansfeld    Menighedshuset (Elses fest)                    April   
Århus               Helligåndskirke                                       Juni
Odder              DanskOase                                              July
Thisted            Familie Konference                                 August
Købehavn         Jubileaum af IKC                                     September
Haderslev         Kulturhuset, Bispen (Biblioteket)               November 16-Dec.6

Fredericia       IMs hovedkontor                                        January- April
København      Tværkulturelt Centers konference              March (1-21)
København      Nazareth Kirkens Kafe                                March- May
Nørreport        IKC (International Christian Center
                      Bethesda)                                                  March- April
Odder             OASE Summer Camp                                  July 17-23
Århus              LMF sommerlejr                                        July 24-29
Thy                Slægt Konference                                      August
Århus              Konference                                               November


Kolding           Simon Peters Kirke                                  August- October             Copenhagen    Fredens Kirke                                         November
Amager           Apostolsk Kirke                                       November-December
Kolding           Kolding Uddannelses Center                     November-February 

Kolding               Kolding Uddannelses Center (KUC)       January-February
Fredens Kirke     Tværkulturelt Center                          March

Odder                 OASE summer camp                            July 

Århus                  Hel linds Kirke/Stjerne Huset          November 2-4 

Kolding Bibliotek  Blå Hund                                          December 

20 13

Christiansfeld       Danskebank                                      February

Kolding                Valentine's Party                               February

Copenhagen         Tværkulturelt Center                        March

Kolding                Brandkjærkirken                               May 5-juni 1


  Herlev                   Lindehøj Kirke                                  October  

  Århus                     Helligåndskirke                                 November

  Kolding                  KOVA                                               Nov-Jan

  Kolding                  Simon Peters Kirke                           December 


  Kolding                  Simon Peters Kirke                          Aug.-Oct. 

  København             Fredens Kirke                                 November 


  Vejle                     Løget Kirke                                    February 

  Nørreport              Fredens Kirke                                 March 


 Copenhagen            Tværkulturelt Centers Conference    March 

 Kolding Library       Women's International Day               March 

 Copenhagen           Multi-ethnic Conference of

                               Tværkulturelt Center                      November 


  Kolding                  KOVA 

  Århus                    Tværkulturelt Centers Conference      March


   Kolding                 Junghansvej Forsamlingshus               April- August 

   Kolding                 Kolding Bibliotek                                Februar 

2020                        København     Tværkulturelt Centers Conference 

2021                        Simon Peters Church, Kolding           August -October 

Kontakt personer af udstillinger :

1. Dorethe,    Herlev
2. Birthe Munck-Fairwood- Århus/København- Tværkulturelt Center
3. Arne Kappelgaard, København
4. Ingrid Smidt,   Fredericia
5. Erna og Hans Peltzer, Germany
6. Helle Noer,       Herni
7. Birte Tange Lauridsen, Sognehuset, ved Gl.   
                           Haderslev Kirke
8. Birgitte Molin, Simon Peters Kirke, Kolding
9. Signe Brixen,   Brændkjærkirken, Kolding
10. Paul Fradsen   KUC, Kolding Uddannelses Center, Kolding
11. Præst Henrik Johannessen, Munkebjerg Kirke, Odense
12. Præst Bente Hjul  Johannessen,Hjallase Kirke, Odense
13. Daniel   Ettrup Larsen, Christians Kirke , Århus
14. Stigne                      Helligåndskirke, Århus
15. Michael                   Oase udvalgt, Århus
16. Else Groot, Focolare
17. Jørgen, Indre Missionshus Hovedkvarter,  Fredericia
18. Kai and Thomas    International Christian Center in Bethesda, Nørreport
19. Karin Morgensen/ Else Marie, LMF 20. Kirsten Nørgaard, KOVA 

20. Karen Ellengaard /art committee chairman, Simon Peters Church 21. Christina og Ellen from Løget Kirke, Vejle 

21, Kunstudvalg, Simon Peters Church, Kolding 

Fællesskabet rundt omkring bordet (Fellowship around the table)

🤩 A dining table is  a symbol of fellowship. Here we are nurtured to nourish our body. Here we have learned to share our thoughts and listen to others`s stories. Here we are made to listen to a simple prayer of thanks to the Creator, the Maker of our lives and the Sustainer, who grants that fruits from the labor of our hands on the farms and our working places,  may enable us to have food  available on our common table.

Here is our table when we rejoice when one is born into the family and this is the same table where we sit together and eat, once  one among whom we dearly love,  leaves us or dies. 😘

Life is short and very delicate. One has to take care of it and enjoy every moment that is lived. 

(Photo, with the family in Manila, with the Pizanas)  


A table as  a rich symbol of fellowship

Gathering around a table opens possibility for dialogue, for interchange of ideas, for listening ears and open hearts. I find a table a good symbol of fellowship. I think Jesus on his last day has left to us a good legacy of building fellowships with one another. We need to have time to agree to sit down around a table, time to share ideas and dreams, time to enjoy the grace to be listened to and the power to come up with an idea or agenda to be talked about. But let those who sit around this table be aware of  the presence of that Invisible One who has, first of all, invited us to dine around His table of remembrance. 


Around a table and the possibilities one can find...
Record of updates : 

October  7, 2017 

Hurricanes and floods  have brought awful destruction to communities in many countries.It seems natural calamities will stay. Added to  the fury of nature, our world is also rocked by acts of terror on the streets, in special celebrations or in public squares where people celebrate life by music performances. 

Added to these burdens in our history, we also hear threats of nuclear war in the constant war of words between leaders in North Korea and USA. And after the Las Vegas massacre there is a rising cry for gun control, that it will not be easy for residents to acquire guns which one can be tempted to use to destroy lives of people. 

As humanity plunges herself to darkness, more voices of light also springs out. There is ongoing cry for No to Nuclear Weapons and Yes, to Gun Control. The victims in history and the new generation wait for the voices of the powerful in governments to choose to protect life... 

August 18, 2009
My second daughter arrives today from Honduras after six months of voluntary work for street children in that country. It is nice to paint themes on jubilation and celebration. I hope I get time to do it this week-end.  

Another theme that has caught my attention that should be written down or be painted through brush and colors is the cleansing of the Bronson Church from the Iraqi refugees. There is silence about the issue now. But what happened has left  a sad column in history.  

July 2009  

😀  We are fortunate this summer. The face of the sun is smiling almost everyday.It is nice to go out to till the land, to swim in the waters, to travel, to paint and to have time with the kids.  Enjoy the warm summer!  

June 2009 
🤩 🤩 Congratulations to the Danes and new Danes as they grapple with the value and relevance of the Danish Constitution  in our modern time 

2020.2021 Corona as Global pandemic, disabling people to travel and treating the infected ones as lepers to be isolated, looking at the disease to deadly and close to death that one has to be dissociated with. 
Watched the deaths of my beloved via photos and never getting the chance to attend in their funerals. 

December 16, 2021
Odette typhoon hit the central region and part of the southern region in the Philippines, bringing complete destruction to homes and means of livelihood in the provinces and the remote fishing islands. 

Beth with Inger during the LMF summercamp
To be able to laugh with somebody is a great gift. Inger is a happy woman inspite of her age. Laughter makes the heart feel younger. Friendship is watered by laughter.

Laugh and the world laughs with you!
Happy International Women's Day 2016! The struggle for women's emancipation from slavery, discrimination and oppression continues! Let us empower women whereever they are in our one world that they can attain their human, social, religious, economic, cultural and political rights! 

Velkommen til vores hjemmeside
The fifth child, added to the family. He came to us when he was 6 years old, after the death of her own mother.  Good to see how he has grown. I still call him my child. 

Birgit Urd Andersen 08.03.2016 08:55

Kære Elizabeth - du rørte mig med din tekst om at overleve gennem kunsten. Jeg kender det selv som en delvis fremmed med udenlandsk opvækst. Vi ses i Simonpete

Jyrk 14.02.2014 22:41

Super flort hjemmeside
jeg er hel vil ned dine hjemmeside :)

jeg har også selv en men det kun med tegninger :)
kig forbi og huske og skriv i GB lige som jeg gør nu :)


John Fish 26.03.2011 04:22

Don't know if this is being sent. But trying to communicate with someone who knew Lydia Niguidula who was a friend. John Fish, b72email@yahoo.com. Thanks.

Hsien Lou 10.03.2011 23:22

Hi, i like your site and your first poem as we open up your page "TO BE ALIVE" such a beautiful piece makes us realise God's creations that we take for granted.

Engle Vagten 11.08.2010 20:55

Hvilken skøn smuk hjemmeside- Guds fred Engle Vagten

Mukesh Raval 05.04.2010 18:19

hi,Oleson, gone through your pages,poems and one painting but where are the photos of it. hearty congratulations on developing such a site and such a habit.

Mukesh Raval 05.04.2010 18:21

I dont know danish so i have missed a lot from you. but its okay.Your students must be the luckiest lot having found a grand teacher like you.

Edgar Eslit 29.01.2010 06:30

Here you go! How do you do, Beth? I think I’ll become a recurring visitor here. The music is simply amazing. Regards

| Svar

Nyeste kommentarer

29.07 | 17:27

Want a ladyboy

20.09 | 11:16

I think I should also spend time writing poems in Danish. For quite a period of time, I have only concentrated on writing poems in English.

08.03 | 08:55

Kære Elizabeth - du rørte mig med din tekst om at overleve gennem kunsten. Jeg kender det selv som en delvis fremmed med udenlandsk opvækst. Vi ses i Simonpete

07.01 | 13:51

Fantastisk smuk hjemmeside.